Great Preparations©
Doula Services + Prenatal Yoga
Conceive, Carry, Recover & Parent Consciously
As a full-spectrum doula, I prioritize and advocate for the health and safety of my client and their baby, above all else, along the pregnancy continuum. I help shape the lens you view your birthing experience with so it is positive and memorable for all the right reasons. As a doula, I set the tone of the energy in the room, ensuring that my clients and their birthing partners feel safe, undistracted and nurtured.
Read through the information below to equip yourself with a better understanding of what a doula is and learn how you can access the Great Preparations Masterclass.

Hey Y'all Hey!

My aim is to assist you in having or getting as close as possible to the birthing experience you desire by providing you with resources, tools and support every step of the way.
What is a Doula?
ARE Providers of consistent & non-judgmental emotional, physical, and educational support
ARE Amplifiers of birthing person's voice during childbirth & shortly after
ARE Advocates for the baby
ARE Protectors of the birthing experience
ARE Facilitators of bonding between birthing person & baby
ARE Guides, companions & safe space for birthing person-baby dyad
ARE NOT Medical professionals or clinicians
ARE NOT Prescribers or administers of medications
ARE NOT Diagnosers or interpreters of medical conditions
ARE NOT Performers of clinical procedures
ARE NOT Maids, babysitters or chefs (unless otherwise communicated in that doula's contract as some doulas do offer these services in addition to their basic doula service.)
Why invest in a Doula?
Continuous support during pregnancy, labor, delivery & postpartum should be the norm. Doulas work with the health care system to encourage and promote clear communication between birthing person & health care providers, promoting conscious decision making. In many health care institutions, the labor & delivery wing functions based on a risk-oriented, technology-dominated approach to care where staff are usually unable to provide laboring people benefits comparable to non-staff members - that's where doulas step in!
Doula support has been proven to positively impact labor outcomes:
40-minute shorter labor
28% fewer cesarean sections
31% less use of pitocin
34% fewer perceived negative birth experiences
Higher APGAR scores for newborns
Increase breastfeeding success
Decreased incidence of postpartum depression

Is a Doula right for me?
Are you ...
... a first-time mother, father or parent?
... planning an out of hospital birth?
... planning an in hospital birth?
... planning a birth center birth?
... a family with other children?
... adopting a newborn or infant?
... recovering from or planning to have cesarean surgery?
... located a great distance from your family, friends or immediate support system?
... a blended family?
... desiring a spiritual grounding throughout your pregnancy & birthing experience?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then a Doula would benefit you immensely!

Primary principles of my Great Preparations© doula service are:
OPTIONS | We provide the client (and their partner) with education about what their options are for each phase of the pregnancy, labor, delivery and early post-partum journey based upon their current and potential presentation. We can provide resources to aid in the client’s research about their pregnancy, such as:
books, articles & videos
local breastfeeding classes, lactation consultants & breast milk banks/groups
first time mom or moms of multiples support groups
early intervention programs for babies with special needs
mental health & teen parent support
pelvic floor therapists, prenatal yoga and massage therapists
reiki practicioners, herbalists & acupuncturists
suggestions on items for baby & nursery set up
Doulas also facilitate inquiry with the client’s health care provider(s) to ensure that the client is aware of the medical terms being used and their meanings, any medically necessary procedures, as well as, hospital or birthing facility policies and procedures. By providing our clients with their options and the potential outcomes, pros & cons of each option, our clients can make conscious decisions about their pregnancy journey.

SUPPORT | Having a clear understanding of the options, facilitates the alignment of the doula with the clients’ needs and desires, which allows the doula to better support whatever decisions the client makes. We anticipate client needs. Doula support of the client includes but is not limited to:
supplying the client with breath and movement guidance so the client can efficiently labor
advising the client’s partner of their body and hand placements on the client to help conserve the clients energy or relieve tension and pain
holding the client accountable to their self-care regimen to ensure as calm and peaceful a headspace as possible fo the client
facilitating client conversations with their family, friends, tribe or hired help about what additional support may be needed throughout the pregnancy
Most importantly, doula support is NOT clinical in nature; we do not diagnose medical conditions, perform clinical procedures or prescribe or administer medications.
RESPECT | We ensure that our clients are not only heard but respected by all parties involved, including their partner, family, friends and health care providers. Doulas empower their clients to:
discern what is best for them in the moment by nourishing the client’s intuition and reminding them of their options
confidently state or request whatever needs they may have especially as it pertains to medically required interventions
provide or revoke their consent for any medical procedure and reframe their narratives about labor so the intense sensations experienced are more manageable.
We do not overtalk or undermine our clients and their cultural practices. Doulas coach their clients on how to speak up for themselves, ask for exactly what they want and how they want it, without shame or guilt. And, when they have not been heard, we amplify their voices!